Poor site, app performance lose users

Internet users are growing more demanding and less forgiving, according to the results of a new consumer survey, writes Sven Hammar, chief service officer of Apica System. In a clear call to action for organisations around the world, the survey found that three...

Strategic AI: chat abot it

AI and the solutions it enhances has become the gold rush of the Western world — a digital hunt for the customer experience oil that sits on the frontlines of chatbot capability and evolution. Amazon has released its increasingly impressive Alexa and Echo range...

They’re here … are you ready?

Millennial customers are more fastidious when it comes to customer service than previous generations — and at the same time they are also fiercely loyal. They have grown up with a plethora of tools and a variety of communication channels around them, and they...

Integrated multimedia disruption for the enterprise

The enterprise communications market is in need of an integrated multimedia solution that will provide business with an opportunity to build a client community through integrated interactive communication via multiple media touch points. “If your customers...

Analytics is critical, but data is being left out

The digitisation of business has spread the ‘customer experience’ (CX) right across organisations. Managing and understanding customers is no longer confined to frontline sales and contact centre staff, but requires constant attention from all employees in...

Only a few months left to meet 2017 targets

Ask any executive or marketing professional what salespeople need to sell in tough economic times, and they will say one thing: more leads. Moreover, with April holidays having thrown a spanner in the works, and winter looming in SA, businesses really only have seven...