Aug 24, 2015
The traditional way of seeing customer acquisition and customer retention as separate disciplines is an extremely dangerous way of running a modern business, because it traps you in a public lie. So says Sandra Galer, consulting director for Merchants, South Africa’s...
Jul 31, 2015
You need to identify your Content Types and Columns (metadata), and load all your content into SharePoint, says Kirk Schafer, director, Dac Systems. Problem is, there is a lot of content. And just like fiscal dumping is a no-no, just dropping a couple of thousand...
Jul 27, 2015
Ricoh has made it possible for print service providers (PSP) to give marketers a way to measure the efficacy of their print material in achieving campaign objectives and KPIs by linking it to traceable, digital resources. Clickable Paper has a new feature that help...
Jul 22, 2015
Developments in technology and new business trends such as social networking and mobility have all resulted to make the customer king within the mobile-first, cloud-first era, says Leon Wright, Cloud & Enterprise Business Group lead at Microsoft South Africa....
Jul 15, 2015
When it comes to lead generation, engineering firms have a tougher job than consumer businesses, as not only does cultivating new customers take time, but if marketing is too ‘out there’ it could impact on the firm’s perceived reliability. So says Louise Robinson,...
Jun 30, 2015
“Did you know that it costs more to gain a new customer than to have a devoted one? So, why then are budgets, in general, spent more on attaining new customers’ attention than offering attention to its current customers?” asks Ebrahim Dinat, COO at contact centre...