Pause, play, fast forward – the business of gaming

In early 2020, as the world around us came to an abrupt halt, there was one sector that found itself catapulted onto centre stage. By Chris Buchanan, client solutions director at Dell Technologies South Africa and Russia With limited mobility and more time on their...

What makes serious games seriously good?

The term “serious game” may well read as an oxymoron – isn’t a game by its very nature meant to be fun and playful rather than, well, serious? By Glenn Gillis, CEO of Sea Monster But for the longest time, games have been the means by which...

How to choose an Intel gaming CPU

From frame rates to scalable gameplay settings, the CPU is a vital component for gaming. In this article, Intel offers some guidance to users on how to choose the CPU that’s right for them. Processors come with an array of specifications and features that can impact...

E-sports gold rush could be an investment game-changer

The question as to whether investors should be looking to esports for their next big investment opportunity shouldn’t be ‘why’, but rather ‘why not’ write Sally Jukes, partner, and Carl Bosma, director at BDO South Africa. No longer the...

Could games be used to combat health and vaccine misinformation

Following hot on the heels of the global spread of Covid-19 was the dissemination of misinformation and conspiracy theories about its origins (with claims ranging from it being caused by 5G cellular networks, to it being developed as a bioweapon), and the motivations...

Why women are slaying in the gaming world

The gaming industry is growing exponentially, and so is the participation of women players. Leading this female-driven revolution are a handful of top women gamers who believe women can change the eSport and gaming world as we know it. Africa’s increasing youth...