DR needs a strategy for people, products, processes

If you want to protect your data in an emergency – whether it’s due to encryption from ransomware or after a natural disaster – you need to understand: disaster recovery (DR) and IT service continuity management (ITSCM) are indeed fully integrated...

Why tech trade-ins make sense

As the world shifts away from disposable technology and towards sustainable, eco-friendly options, refurbished cell phones and laptops are increasingly becoming the go-to solution for consumers and businesses alike. By David Hirsch, CEO of TechMarkit Similarly,...

Key implications for information lifecycle management in 2023

Discovering how best to use the vast amount of data your organisation creates and collects is one of the key tenets of any organisation’s strategy. By Iwona Sikora, senior vice-president and GM: records management Europe & South Africa at Iron Mountain...

Why the C-suite needs asset lifecycle management

The average cost of a data breach is now nearly R50-million, while breach costs have increased by nearly 20% over the last two years. Recent high-profile breaches and ransomware attacks are a stark reminder to C-suite leaders of how vulnerable their businesses are....

Why the future of IT is circular

Recycling has become a part of our day-to-day lives. Whether it’s the ritual of sorting our household waste or making the switch to reusable products, taking proactive steps towards sustainability goals by managing waste is already ingrained in our behaviour....

Business continuity requires a holistic approach to resilience

A massive 86% of EMEA businesses have a protection gap between how much data they can afford to lose after an outage and how frequently data is backed up, and 84% plan to increase their data protection budgets this year By Chris Norton, regional director for Africa at...