Effective strategies to counter SA’s crime scourge
South Africans face criminal threats on all fronts. Not only does the country currently have the eighth-highest murder rate in the world but last year also ranked fifth of the global cybercrime density list, according to figures released by cybersecurity firm...
Investing in education is investing in our future
There's a widely quoted statistic that many are familiar with - that Africa has the youngest population in the world, with 70% of sub-Saharan Africa under the age of 30. The United Nations rightly comments that such a high number of young people is an opportunity for...
Enhanced connectivity will improve university’s research opportunities
South African universities are on the verge of significant advancements in connectivity and research capabilities, thanks to a collaborative project involving the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), South African National Research Network (SANReN),...
Evotel sponsors Krugersdorp High School Computer Labs
Fibre network operator (FNO), Evotel, once again showed its commitment and dedication towards educating the youth of South Africa through its R50 000.00 sponsorship towards the setup and running of Krugersdorp High School's Robotics and Coding labs. “Evotel, as a...

Is ChatGPT the transformation catalyst educators have been waiting for?
ChatGPT, an AI language model, is forcing a significant paradigm shift in the education sector, as educators at all levels, but particularly in tertiary institutions, grapple with the implications, the technology that has so much potential to do good, but also raises...
Play Africa chatbot puts STEM resources into the hands of educators
Children's museum Play Africa has announced an update to their innovative educator resource chatbot on WhatsApp to make playful STEM lessons freely accessible to educators anywhere. Educators can now easily access Play Africa's free, easy-to-adapt playful STEM...
Digital payments could transform edtech
Edtech, short for education technology, has become a thriving industry with substantial economic impact. This sector combines hardware, software, and educational principles to offer improved and convenient learning experiences. Presently, edtech is valued at over...
Educational institutions must address challenges to inclusivity, access
As technology continues to advance, so does the way we learn. Online learning continues to grow in popularity, with most educational institutions now adopting a strategy of extending their offering of online courses and programmes. However, while online learning puts...
Women’s empowerment begins by removing barriers to girls’ education
At the current rate of progress, the World Economic Forum says it will take 102 years to close the gender gap in sub-Saharan Africa. It is therefore vital to ensure girls have equal opportunities not only in the workplace but in school to accelerate closing the gender...
Funding, support available for edtech entrepreneurs, social innovators
Innovation Edge has announced the launch of applications for funding and strategic support to execute new innovative ideas or adapt existing ones to improve literacy and language acquisition of small children in South African households. With September being World...
Bringing education and technology together
Technology can help deliver more effective education. Research reveals that, at the least, technology in schools improves learners' software and computer proficiency. Classrooms that use technology to boost efficiency or personalise learning also experience...
E-learning benefits automotive industry
While challenges remain in democratising education in South Africa, e-learning is playing a significant role in bridging the divide. By way of example, Vodacom's e-school has accumulated 1.4-million users since its launch in 2014. This portal enables learners to...