Why hasn’t technology fixed SA education?

Educators and learners need more than laptops and projectors, writes Glenn Du Toit, Director of Acer Africa. South Africa is a paradox. We have significant development, natural resources, and skilled people. Yet we also have incredibly high poverty levels, few...

Pick n Pay sees uptake of financial services

A decision to expand financial services at all till points is paying off for Pick ‘n Pay and its customers. Over the past year Pick ‘n Pay has expanded the number of banking and related financial services available through the till at all stores. Deven...

Is ChatGPT a threat to education?

ChatGPT and other forms of generative artificial intelligence (AI) remain a concern for those in the education system, especially when it comes to understanding how its capabilities can be misused by students and the long-term impact this would have on their education...

How AI can help SMB retailers compete

The global artificial intelligence (AI) market is expected to top $300-billion by 2026, with retail and banking expected to be the two major sectors driving growth. With the technology maturing so fast, small and medium retailers should be looking at how they can use...

Château Gâteaux optimises delivery process

Château Gâteaux, now in its 25th year of supplying gourmet cakes across South Africa, has optimised its delivery processes with the MultiTRAX delivery application from the Argility Technology Group (ATG). With 20 outlets and still growing, Château Gâteaux has...

People at the heart of retail training

The change the retail sector has undergone in the past decade is staggering. Particularly with the global pandemic propelling online shopping to unprecedented heights, retailers have had to adopt an omnichannel approach to meet customer expectations. Staff dare not...