Key considerations for data centre growth in Africa

Africa is an exciting market for IT services right now. Thanks to the massive increase in rich-media content consumed by Africans and the global population, compounded by corporates continuing to migrate to the cloud, the continent is ripe with opportunity to...

Seven processes IT should be automating now

Automation is a key part of digital transformation, and has the potential to improve all aspects of business. “As companies race to achieve digital transformation, the outcome for companies applying automation can be dramatic,” says Tony Beeston, product...

Data centre management as a service is a game changer

Connectivity and data continue to transform the way that industries work, how companies interact and how people live. Data centres, server rooms and IT closets all play a critical role in making this happen. By Riaan de Leeuw, vice-president: IT division for...

Benefits of outsourcing data centre O&M

The South African data centre market continues to grow significantly each year, and corporates faced with challenges around cost savings, lack of facilities and streamlining their business operations often look to outsourcing as an attractive solution. Outsourcing the...

Data centre energy efficiency a priority

As our appetite for all things IT and digital continues to grow, the need for data centres continues to grow, with more and more data centres erected, and much bigger than they were before. This places a tremendous amount of pressure on the electrical power utility...

Power efficiency in data centre infrastructure

Reducing energy consumption in South Africa is a national imperative. Hyperscalers currently investing in South Africa, and those planning on doing so in the future will have to take this into consideration when designing their facilities. By Sameer Cassim, R&D...