Decision Inc migrates Khumani to SharePoint
Khumani Iron Ore Mine has appointed Decision Inc to assist it with implementing Microsoft SharePoint to replace ageing technology and help the organisation meet its growth demands for the future. Khumani Iron Ore Mine is situated approximately 30km south of the town...
Cloud and the evolution of data management
According to Big Data Quarterly, cloud computing is fast becoming the solution of choice for data environments. South Africa is no different, and the increasing adoption of cloud technology is rapidly changing the way we manage data environments and the skills...
Decision Inc transforms NPO systems
Decision Inc has completed the implementation of its Adaptive Insights solution at international non-profit organisation (NPO) mothers2mothers to enable it to become more efficient with its project management and donor approach. mothers2mothers is an international...
Focus on data compliance
Data compliance is an important facet of any business today. For insurers who rely on customer data for product distribution and innovative development of better solutions, meeting the requirements of this regulation is critical. Angelique Strumpher, Administration...
Swimming in data but struggling for insights
Though data is the lifeblood of any organisation, companies are using just a fraction of this vital information. JP Smith, Pre Sales Director, Sub-Saharan Africa at Hitachi Vantara explains why. There's a long-standing myth that we only use 10% of our brains. Luckily...
Expect more mind-blowing tech developments
2018 will once again see technology deliver incredible results. Aneshan Ramaloo, senior business solutions manager at SAS provides a closer look at the trends which will shape these developments. It used to take months to be able to say whether a particular treatment...
Adding intelligence to the property game
Machine learning offers enormous opportunities to all areas of the real estate market, writes Vian Chinner, CEO of Xineoh. Much discussed as a revolutionary technology of the future, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is already having an impact in the present, reshaping...
Form and function key for business analytics
In a time when data has been labelled 'the new oil', businesses are scrambling to implement effective forward-thinking data management strategies that can deliver real-time insights and business value to decision-makers to drive business strategy, increase revenue,...
Big value in small business data
I read an interesting article the other day about how a novel targeted at young, single females and housewives wasn't selling as well as expected, writes Charles Teversham, MD of Sage Intelligence. When the publisher looked deeper into its sales data, it found that...
Big data is transforming financial services and film
With every click, swipe and tap big data is changing the playing field for the South African industries. This, the second of a three part series of articles by Morne Bekker, country manager at NetApp South Africa, looks at how big data is changing the financial...
How big data is transforming industries
Morne Bekker, country manager of NetApp South Africa, examines the effect that big data is having on the automotive industry. Big data has become part of every single conversation of business leaders, IT decision makers and public stakeholders. It is much more than a...
Leverage your business’s best asset
Your company's greatest asset is its data. But to start creating true business value, you need to have the right data strategy in place, says Manfred Gramlich, strategic solutions manager at Hitachi Vantara. You pull up to the curb at the airport and as you exit your...