How the Great Resignation is reshaping employee relations
The world is buzzing with anecdotal evidence of what has been called The Great Resignation – the Covid-19 lockdown-driven reassessment by individuals of the meaning of work in their lives. 2022 is shaping up to be a year of reckoning where employees and organisations...
New job roles to expect in 2022, and beyond
As we enter the third – and hopefully final – year of the Covid-19 pandemic, it's worth pausing to reflect on the world prior to the virus. In 2019, while many businesses may have been exploring digital transformation or rethinking their office work arrangements, it...
Payroll continuity a major contributor to business sustainability
One of the fundamentals of a payroll office is paying employees on time irrespective of how good or bad your processes is in a business. While it might sound fairly straight forward to do, some companies still depend on paper trails and manual interventions, to...
Nedbank goes all-in on hybrid work
Many financial institutions remain sceptical of hybrid work. Nedbank isn’t among them. The bank has gone all in on the new model, announcing that employees whose jobs do not require them to be in a branch office can work from home on a permanent basis if they choose....
What agile teams look like in an all-digital world
Ensuring success from anywhere is becoming a critical element to every modern business. The imperative to remain agile and continue the rapid pace of digital transformation we have seen over the past 24 months is now a priority for every CEO. Robin Fisher, senior area...
Coping with addiction in the workplace
The pandemic lockdowns of 2020 were tough and tight, with the government clamping down on smoking and drinking. As a result, many people turned to other forms of substance abuse as a way of coping. Now, after a more than a year of remote working, employees are...
Remember the human condition when planning the hybrid workplace
As vaccination campaigns ramp up and businesses adjust their work models to adopt hybrid scenarios, the tenacity and adaptability of a mobile workforce are being tested once again. Michaela Voller, chief human resources officer at Dimension Data, discusses why...
Reimagine the office headquarters
If 2021 taught us anything, it was that life is unpredictable and that we need to be prepared for the unexpected. Over the past two years, businesses have been forced to change and review their strategies. They have had to remain agile in a changing world as...
Move from remuneration to employee experience
In today's competitive job market, organisations that wish to attract, retain and motivate the best employees, need to incorporate employee experience management into traditional remuneration. This is the word from Muhammed Goolab, senior reward specialist and exco...
Help your employees kickstart a side hustle in 2022
The rise of remote work, coupled with an increased cost of living across South Africa, has led to a surge in full-time employees taking on a side hustle. From running an ecommerce store selling homemade crafts or teaching online, to restoring antique furniture out of...
Trends shaping the workspace in 2022
The first half of 2021 saw the return, albeit slow, of employees to offices and the realisation for many that they craved interaction with their colleagues, to collaborate with, bounce ideas off or simply talk to. The surge of the Covid-19 Omicron variant towards the...
Blue collar skills, training development can help combat unemployment
In the second quarter of 2021, South Africa's unemployment rate was at 34,4%, a 6,8% increase from the first quarter of 2019, pushing unemployment beyond crisis level. By Kau Makgosa, project facilitator at Economic Development Solutions The government has...