
A new approach to lithium-ion battery waste

Desco Electronic Recyclers is addressing the challenges posed by the disposal of lithium-ion (Li-Ion) batteries. Contrary to widespread misconceptions, the company is implementing sophisticated, effective recycling processes, ensuring that valuable materials are...

Protect brand reputation with responsible electronics disposal

Brand protection through responsible recycling goes beyond mere compliance and environmental stewardship. It involves preserving a brand's integrity by preventing defective or obsolete products from re-entering the market. This is particularly crucial for products...

Integrate ESG principles in IT asset disposal strategies

Companies that adopt ITAD practices will not only lessen their environmental footprint and boost their social impact, but also cultivate stronger, more resilient brands that are prepared to face future challenges. By Wale Arewa, CEO of Xperien IT asset disposition...

Systems that build resilience key to business success

How quickly a business is able to respond in the face of a disruption could make or break it. In a difficult economic landscape, it's critical to use systems that ensure that the show goes on, even when the lights don't. By Nic Laschinger, chief technology officer of...
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