Don’t import skills, grow them at home
There is no doubt that South Africa faces a skills crisis, especially when it comes to digital knowledge that will revolutionise the world. Yet sourcing international professionals to fill the local digital skills gap is not sustainable in the long run, writes Ursula...
How AI is impacting recruitment
In an era defined by rapid technological advancements, the integration of artificial intelligence (AI) is proving to be transformative across various industries. AI could enhances many functions rather than replacing real people, and this is true for the world of...
Hoe the new world of work impact business stakeholders
The South African workplace, like many others across the globe, has experienced significant changes in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic. These changes, while transformative and in some cases beneficial, have also brought about their own set of challenges, impacting...
A fake doctor’s note could cost you your job
It's the law: if you are absent from work for more than two consecutive days, or more than twice within eight weeks, you have to provide a doctor's note to your employer, according to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act (BCEA). Some employees, however, think...
The digital tightrope walk for business and human rights
AI offers unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation but also presents significant challenges and risks, especially concerning human rights and corporate governance, write Pooja Dela-Cron, partner, and Paula-Ann Novotny, senior associate from Webber...
How to secure a work-ready IT talent pipeline
South African businesses, like those from the rest of the world, are battling a crippling technology skills shortfall. The tragedy in this country is that it is happening against the backdrop of the highest unemployment rate in the world. Jessica Hawkey, MD of...

If your organisation offers training, now is the time to act
The date for migrating training programmes from Sector and Training Authorities (SETAs) to the Quality Council for Trades and Occupations (QCTO) has been postponed several times, but it will not be delayed again. By Martin Pienaar, chief operating officer at Mindworx...
Huawei Digital Power lays out a green vision for Africa
The shift to green and renewable energy is so important, particularly for Africa. David Bian, director of Huawei Digital Power Sub-Saharan Africa, Smart PV Development Department, outlined why in a presentation to last week's Solar and Storage Live exhibition: "Today,...
New body aims to prioritise women in the datacentre
As the African datacentre sector emerges as an important global player gender diversity must undoubtedly also keep pace with this growth. Unfortunately, current estimates are not promising; a recent report by the Uptime Institute states that three-quarters of...

Reinventing the workforce in the age of GenAI
Generative AI (GenAI) has burst onto the scene. It appeared fast and is evolving even faster. It's impact on value chains will fundamentally transform the nature of work, reshaping how businesses deliver value and better experiences for employees and customers. By...
When to coach and when to mentor
As a leader or manager, you have a lot of responsibility to guide and develop your team. One of the most effective ways to do this is through coaching and mentoring. However, it can be challenging to know when to use each approach. By Anja van Beek, talent strategist,...

Wider broadband access can help businesses solve recruitment issues
Investments in infrastructure and more spectrum availability have made it cheaper and easier for operators to roll out mobile broadband networks in both urban and rural areas. By Nic Laschinger, chief technology officer of Euphoria Telecom Aside from the data cost...