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Face your fears and land the compensation you deserve

Motivating for a salary increase or improved compensation package is one of the most nerve-wracking challenges employees can face. The anxiety surrounding the mere idea of having the conversation can be so debilitating, that this important act of self-advocacy often...

Why we should be moving towards a once empowered, always empowered approach

In the 20 years that broad-based black economic empowerment (B-BBEE) policy has been in place, South Africa has seen several amendments and additions to the legislation surrounding the policy, and yet, the country remains one of the most unequal societies in the...

Embrace diversity to build high-performing teams

The world is changing at a breakneck pace, and organisations that do not adapt to the shifting demographics of their workforce and customer base are at risk of becoming obsolete. Embracing diversity is no longer optional; it's a business imperative for success, writes...

Reimagine communication with frontline workers

The evolution of workplace communication demands innovative solutions to reach deskless workers effectively, writes Merel van der Lei, CEO of Wyzetalk. Limitations of traditional communication methods In many companies, connecting with frontline employees is in danger...
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