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Outsourcing can reduce small business payroll risks

If your business has to deal with frequent tax penalties, compliance fines and legal disputes, it may be time to consider outsourcing your payroll to a professional payroll bureau. The financial and strategic benefits of payroll outsourcing have proven invaluable for...

Taking the hype out of hybrid

Hybrid working has racked up its fair share of debate since it was shoved into the limelight in 2021. According to Gallup, it has been painted as a power struggle scenario between those who want remote work and employers who want them in the office. However, the truth...

HR analytics and its role in enhancing HR functions

Human resources (HR) analytics has become an essential tool in transforming traditional HR functions, providing invaluable insights that bolster decision-making processes. This data-driven approach equips HR professionals with the knowledge to make well-informed...

Upgrade your skills and close the digital divide

Do you have the skills to pay the bills? You need digital skills to succeed in your career or get the most from your own business or side hustle. Yet, many of us lack some of the basic digital skills, creating a divide between our dreams and our opportunities. What...
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