Nov 20, 2019
Expanding the reach of the most advanced high performance computing (HPC) technologies and capabilities by bringing them From Exascale to Everyscale is a critical part of Lenovo’s commitment to create a more inclusive, insightful and sustainable digital society;...
Nov 18, 2019
Dell Technologies has announced Dell EMC PowerOne autonomous infrastructure to make deploying, managing and consuming IT easier for organisations. PowerOne integrates PowerEdge compute, PowerMax storage, PowerSwitch networking and VMware virtualization into a single...
Nov 15, 2019
Fujitsu will begin global sales of the PrimeHPC FX1000 and PrimeHPC FX700 models from the “Fujitsu Supercomputer PRIMEHPC” series, which utilise the technology of supercomputer Fugaku jointly developed by RIKEN and Fujitsu. Shipment is scheduled for March...
Nov 15, 2019
DNI, a niche investment company in the telecommunications and distribution sectors, has revamped its Johannesburg-based server room, overcoming current capacity and performance-related challenges and making provision for future requirements, with the assistance of...
Oct 7, 2019
Netshield SA has integrated its range of intelligent handles into its Smart Zero U Power Distribution Units (PDUs) as well as added additional IoT features to its PDU units. This integration enables a customer to better track and monitor activity in a datacentre,...
Sep 20, 2019
Unplanned data centre downtime can cost the business thousands of dollars per minute. While power outages and network failures range amongst the most common causes, industry reports show that data centre outages are often attributed to human error. In a colocation...